Now I consider myself to be pretty knowledgable in the coffee and tea beverage area. I won't mention the name of the restaurant that I was a Training General Manager at but I had to be quite saavy in the beverage department. I prepared gourmet coffee beverages, italian sodas, and dessert beverages daily. After leaving this company I still have the taste for the same drinks (without of course the cost). I don't want to have to go to Starbucks or the Coffee Beanery everyday to get a yummy snack. So what do I do? I create them at home like everyone else is forced to do (especially to save money). I have always used Torani Syrups because thats what I used at the restaurant and had the most experience with. That was though, until I was given the opportunity to try DaVinci Gourmets.
I was given three bottles to try - Hazelnut, Vanilla, and Sugar Free Vanilla. Although I would have loved to give their all new fruit innovations product line a try, I am a die hard hazelnut fan. Honestly, the hazelnut was great! It had a ton of flavor in my coffee (every morning since it came!) I liked it so much I will probably be saving some to use in my baking this holiday season. I make a killer pecan pie this would compliment great! The vanilla I have been using in either my frozen coffees in the afternoons or in my kids fruit smoothies to add an extra creamy flavor. It has nice and subtle enough taste that even my husband who loves his coffee black (and there is no convincing him otherwise) didn't even notice when I put it in his coffee the other morning. Although, he will now know, he commented to me that morning that his coffee was "really good, did you change brands?" and I just shrugged saying no and then giggling to myself! The sugar free vanilla tasted honestly the same, you wouldn't ever notice a difference. I haven't used it a lot because I like the "real thing" but I probably should since I am trying to loose weight!
Cost: $7.49 Each Bottle
Available to purchase: DaVinci Gourmet
Recommendation: This is a company made here in that helps out donating a portion of each sale. I have to recommend them not only for this reason but for the wide variety, great tastes, and inexpensive cost.
Facebook: DaVinci Gourmet
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