I received the Cansolidator Pantry which can hold up to 40 cans at a time. As you put it together you determine what size cans you want it to fit. Every piece snapped together pretty easily. This wasn't a difficult thing to fill it and still have cans leftover but for me I felt so much more confident in my canned foods safety. I can now load the new product through the top and grab the oldest ones from the bottom without having to reorganize every time I come home from the grocery store. I also have less to worry about the kids grabbing a can out of order when they go to make something for themselves. My only complaint was that as you can see the Cansolidator is sitting on my counter top now because it was way to larger to fit in the small pantry we have at this home. This is only something to consider when ordering since I personally could care less that its on my counter top.
Shelf Reliance provides not only food rotation systems but food storage systems which include serving sizes, color coded food groups, and recipes marked on each of them. They also offer emergency kits that can provide anything from first aid to food and water to tools and shelter. Wow right?! You can never be too prepared especial when you have children. Shelf Reliance also donates 5% of the THRIVE sales to the Thriving Nations Charity.

Cost: $21.92 (51% off right now of $44.99) Cansolidator Pantry
Available to purchase: Shelf Reliance
Recommendation: I would recommend this to just about anyone especially the couponers out there that are starting or have stockpiles of any foods. This keeps your cans turned sideways to prevent debris from entering the cans when you open them and it properly rotates everything. I wouldn't pay the full price for it because thats a little pricey but 20 bucks isn't too much for this system.
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