The Batter Daddy and Batter Babies are little dividers for you bake ware allowing you to create two colors or flavors in one pan or cupcake! The Batter Daddy is actually adjustable to fit most size and shape pans. Super excited to try this out myself, I opened these right away and let my kids pick their colors. Alana wanted the strawberry (pink) and Dane wanted vanilla (but he wanted a boy color so we added blue food coloring).
These were definitely a fun craft for all of us to create together. But I will say together because using these is not a one person job. We know that even after beating cake mix smoothly it still doesn't quite pour out like a liquid so this job was a little messy. That's half the fun right!? Well, I think (know) had I used actual cupcake cups (instead of only my silicone) the Batter Babies would have stayed in place a little better. I just had Alana hold them while I scooped batter into each side of the cupcakes. The Batter Daddy stayed perfectly fit and wasn't easily knocked over when pouring into my pan.
With two different consistencies (since both kids had to stir their own color), the colors still remain separate once you removed the Batter Daddy/Baby. *Don't forget you shouldn't bake with these still in place.* After baking each cake was still perfect. I cannot wait to use these for a birthday party!!
Cost: $7.99 Batter Daddy
$5.99/6 ea Batter Babies
Recommendation: If you like to bake cakes and especially cupcakes frequently, these are a cheap and creative tool. They are sure to impress just about anyone if you want to show off your skills!
Facebook: Kimber Cakeware
Giveaway: Kimber Cakeware is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers a Batter Daddy and set of Batter Babies of their own!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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