While shopping online over the holidays for Alana's clothing, I discovered a new site called Love Mode. They have all sorts of cheap juniors clothing. I would almost compare them to a Charlotte Russe (except online). I chose a really cute striped shirt to review and oddly enough when it came Alana wanted it (which made me feel "cool").
The shirt itself was very soft and felt as though it was made of a decent material. Although I'm sure like most of that kind of juniors clothing, it may "wear" usually after several washes. There was thing I was not a fan on the site. While browsing through pictures to choose a shirt, I noticed that several of the model pics had the girls thongs hanging out in the back view of the clothing. Not only is this tacky and distasteful, it was a turn off to purchase several of the items.

Recommendation: I thought the prices were great and juniors clothes were trendy just wouldn't recommend for early teens. with the showing thongs and club/ bar style dresses these are definitely made for college/early twenties age.
Facebook: Lovemode
Facebook: Lovemode
Giveaway: Lovemode is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers a $25 Gift Card to spend on the site!
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Theresa J
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