Both of my boys are chubbies (and I love every bit of it!) They have both been in the 90 percentile and above for sizes. Their eating styles have reflected this from very young, both starting on baby food before six months and regular foods by six or seven months old (of course because it was recommended by my pediatrician). However, today Dane has become a very picky eater (Declan still eats everything you put in front of him). There is very little of a variety that he eats, his portion sizes are minimal, and he refuses to try most anything new. When I first heard of FunBites, I thought this was a great idea and had to give them a try!
FunBites were created to avoid the stress of cutting children's food into little pieces each and every meal. Thus saving you time especially if you have several little ones to prepare for (or if your like me and your still cutting even the 14 year olds' food for her along with the two little ones). Created by a mom just like most, FunBites cut food into bite-sized shapes and "works on kid-friendly food from lunch meat and cheese to hamburgers, pancakes and fish. Each funbites® Pack includes a high performance curved blade cutter that quickly creates small bites and a matching popper top that pops out food instantly so hands are clean, food is untouched."
The FunBites cutters come is two styles - Cube it! (square shaped) and Luv it! (heart shaped). These are great for more than just the children's meals! It makes my job of catering for family parties quicker and easier. My only complaint is that the first thing I tried my cutter on was an apple and it did not turn out so pretty. I think mostly because FunBites are made from plastic and not a steel blade, it mashed my apple a little bit. Then, I couldn't for the life of me get the apple pieces popped out. I suppose if I had peeled the apple first it would have worked much better. Either way, Declan was still able to enjoy some apple fries with his dinner!
Recommendation: I did think these were a very cute idea and made meals a little more fun. The only thing is that I didn't think they were easy to use on certain foods (ie. fruits). They were extremely easy to clean though and are dishwasher safe. The prices isn't too bad either, I would like to see some more designs hopefully in the future!
Facebook: FunBites
Twitter: @FunBites
YouTube: FunBites
Giveaway: FunBites is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers a FunBite of their own!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Facebook: FunBites
Twitter: @FunBites
YouTube: FunBites
Giveaway: FunBites is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers a FunBite of their own!
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