Being that I come from quite a long restaurant management background, I consider myself to be a self starter in the kitchen. I love to cook, grill, bake anything and especially from scratch with the freshest and healthiest ingredients I can find. I am always updating my kitchen and trying out the newest gadgets I can find or cooking up my own creations. I love being that contact for my friends, family, and followers when they are looking into anything kitchen.

So if your anything like me, you have more kitchen utensils than you know what to do with! One of the worst part of half of these gadgets is how difficult they are to use especially if you aren't a professional. They are either cheaply made so they can be cheaply sold or they are not made for everyday use if you love to cook as I do so they break very easily. Another issue I come across frequently is how badly these tools hurt my hands and wrists since I have a hereditary degenerative joint disorder (along with my arthritis AND carpel tunnel). If something is too difficult to grip, turn, push, spin, or cut, then I have to either grab someone to help me or wait until my husband gets home to complete the meal. This doesn't make me very happy.
Trudeau has recently created a line of kitchen utensils called
Stress Less. These are actually easy to grip, turn, push, spin, and cut with. They are specifically designed to make the average cooking motions easier, reducing strain on your hands and joints. Trudeau actually provides a lifetime warranty on each of these products. I was given the opportunity to try out each of the Stress Less products including the pizza cutter, garlic press, can opener, cheese grater, and salt mill.

The first product I opened and used right away was the Garlic Press. I know this is going to sound weird but I have always wanted a garlic press. We are very big on garlic in our family and for some reason I've never actually bought one even thought I've wanted it for a long time. The
Stress Less Garlic Press was exactly that - easy! I was easy enough to press the garlic through that Dane was even helping prepare dinner with ours. Each part spreads apart as well for easy cleaning and removal of extra garlic.

The pizza cutter was great since I frequently make pizza from scratch for dinner. Sometimes this can be a task to get through my crust because I am no pizza crust gooru. The blade was nice and sharp and flowed through pizza and Danes favorite cheese quesadillas very easily. As part of using my pizza cutter I actually decided to use my new cheese grater to add freshly grated mozzarella and parmesan cheese to our pizza. I love how easy this grater is, I feel like I work at Olive Garden now during dinner asking each family member if they'd like cheese on their meal (haha).

Now although I already have an electric can opener, there are just some cans that cannot be easily opened by an electric opener forcing you to go old school and use a hand operated one. This just plain sucks. They are never easy and if you have hands like me, causes you instant pain throughout your hands. At first I was baffled as to how to use this opener but after a little bit of help from my husband, we were all amazed with how easy it was to use. I love my can opener!! This coolest part is that it cuts your can on the outside with no sharp edges. It was so easy I've actually been using this more frequently than the electric one since I don't have to fiddle with getting the can to stick to the magnet like with the electric one.

Finally, if you have ever been to one of my families many get togethers or even just know my mother, you know what a salt obsessed freak she is. She has salt shakers around her entire house (bedroom included) in the kitchen she uses a salt and pepper mill but her complaint is always that it takes too much time to freshly grind ALL that salt that she loves. In saying this I gave my salt mill to her for her to try and she loved it. She said it was super easy and she actually has a good flow of salt coming out.
Cost: $12.99 Pizza Cutter
$19.99 Garlic Press
$19.99 Can Opener
$19.99 Cheese Grater
$34.99 Easy Grind Salt Mill
Available to purchase:
Recommendation: I love
Trudeau as all their products just seem to be high quality and always have such neat designs. Although I do think they are a little over priced but so are their competitors for what you are paying for so I guess why not. If you are a foodie like me, you'll love having these gadgets in your kitchen. They'd also make great gifts for any family member who has bad hands.
Twitter: @TrudeauKitchen
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