I contacted the company to see if they’d send me one for review- and it was on my front doorstep within days- very prompt! Icould barely wait until the next morning to do the test but of course I did as we all know the morning pee is the strongest. It came out BOY almost immediately. My hubby was devastated! I had a gnawing feeling that it was a boy, and I’d end up with ”My 3 sons”!
This is such a fun, at home urine test that "provides immediate gender results in the privacy and comfort of the home." The company states you can test as soon as 10 weeks and it will give you a green color for a boy and an orange color for a girl. Definitely a cool way to pass the time until your 20 week ultrasound OR until birth day.
Well, as most of you know, our 19 week ultrasound didn’t exactly go as planned. We weren’t able to find out the baby’s gender till almost 2 weeks later when the Amniocentesis came back from the genetic counselors- it’s a GIRL….. Go figure!
It is pretty fool proof too. It comes with the cup and a syringe. You urinate in another cup, draw out the appropriate amount and insert it into the IntelliGender cup. Swirl it around for a bit and then leave it to sit for a few minutes. Super Easy!
The IntelliGender website states “In our initial laboratory trials and two subsequent independent trials, the IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test was proven 90% accurate. (Each trial had differing accuracy rates averaging approximately 90%). In home accuracy rates may vary. " Of course you need to remember that the test is not 100% accurate. This is meant to be a fun products for moms and dads.
Cost: $ 27.99 + Free S/H! If you order 2 or more kits you will receive an additional
30% off
Available to purchase: Intelligender or at your local drugstores
Recommendation: It’s a fun novelty test to pass the time after the 10 week point. But please keep in mind it is a NOVELTY! Just for fun, I wouldn’t go decorating a nursery based on this test’s info.
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Giveaway: Intelligender is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers a Gender Prediction Test of their own!
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I enjoy your blog as it is!
ReplyDeleteI wonder how this would work with someone who is having twins.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how this would work with someone who is having twins.
ReplyDeleteLove this giveaway!
I enjoy your blog as it is!