Alright, if you are a mommy, you are for sure going to understand this review (or even if you have some weight to lose). Somehow once you have a baby, things just don't seem to stay in place like they used to. Honestly even having a little extra pudge before the babies was easier to manage. You could always "suck it in" as my mother would say or wear something that flatter another area as say your upper body/bust area. After the kids, that muffin top looks wrinkly, all stretch marked up, like "extra skin" which is a lot less flattering than just the pudge.
No matter how hard I exercise, I can never seem to affect it in the slightest. As I am sure you have been seeing a lot of discussion lately on my facebook page, I am trying to lose a significant amount of weight. Most of this fat is in my boobs and belly. So here in lies my problem. I try all these diets but either I can't eat the foods I love or I have a hard time staying on track with each meal/snack and calories and I get discouraged so quickly.
Live Well Market has a product exactly for the discouraged belly fatties like me called 7-Keto Ultra. 7-Keto Ultra contains both 7-Keto and InSea2 which are supposed to be effective in supporting your weight loss. A nice perk also found in their B-12 supplement is the boost in your metabolism you get from taking it.
"7-Keto is a naturally produced in our adrenal glands. It has been discovered that 7-Keto boosts key thermogenic enzymes in our bodies and as a result, improve our resting metabolic rate. InSea2 is from brown seaweeds and shown to have a massive impact on how our bodies break down the foods we consume."
Although, my original plan was to try out the 7-Keto Ultra for dieting reasons, I have discovered through research and through my experience the last couple weeks that it helps me with all my other "issues". I have always had a weak immune system which leads to feeling fatigue frequently. I also suffer from depression and hate the fact that I have to take medication for it. In addition to those, I also suffer from Arthritis and other joint inflammation daily. 7-Keto Ultra is supposed to help decrease all of these symptoms plus more and possibly prevent them in the future. If this one supplement can become my miracle pill I will be sold for life!

Cost: $49.99
Available to purchase: Live Well Market
Recommendation: Live Well Market is a great company to get your vitamins and other health care products from. 7-Keto Ultra seems to work great so far and the possibilities of this supplement seem endless as to what they can help you with. Though, I will say the prices seemed a little high compared to other retailers.
Facebook: Live Well Market
Twitter: @LiveWellMarket
Blog: Live Well Market
Google+: Live Well Market
YouTube: Live Well Market
Giveaway: Live Well Market is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers a bottle of 7-Keto Ultra of their own to try!
Look for the Create a New You Giveaway Event beginning on 10/10/12 to win this wonderful giveaway from Live Well.
*Read my Disclosure
Good luck on your adventure!