
Ecover Automatic Dishwasher Tablets ZERO Review and Giveaway

        As many of you know I prefer to make my own cleaners and detergents for our household.  The only chemicals I allow in my house are the ones I know are environmentally friendly and family safe.  These are of course some of the products I try to review to give everyone different options for themselves.  Unfortunately one of the unsuccessful products I have tried to recreate time and time again has been dishwasher detergent.  No matter how I change the recipe my dishes just don't seem clean or they are left with that nasty film on them.  Which is why I have yet to discontinue dishwasher store brands in my home.

        Recently I stumbled across Ecover.  They believe in “Making a Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle Easy”.  This is one of those "feel good" companies that has you feeling awesome about your purchases even if you aren't creating your own products.  All of the Ecover products are non-toxic.

        Their factories are run using green electricity produced by wind generators, tidal generators and other natural sources.  Each have a living roof which gives insulation all year round eliminating the need for air conditioning or heat.  All Ecover bottles are made with a plastic made from 100% sugar cane saving "13,500 cans of crude oil each year" and is 100% renewable, reusable and recyclable. They even offer employee salary incentives to ride their bikes to work.
        So I was sent the Automatic Dishwasher Tablets ZERO which worked great!  We have always struggled with having to pre-wash a ton before loading our dishes in the machine (as its a cheap one).  Then as I mentioned before, we have to use those "other chemicals" to get a clean feeling result.  With Ecover, I have noticed no streaks or films.  I have still been pre-rinsing out of habit but I don't think I need to as much.

        My only complaint is that the tablets come individually wrapped and I'd love to see something I can just toss right in without the extra step of unwrapping.  Ecover offers a variety of dish washing products as well as laundry and other household cleaners (which I cannot wait to try).

Cost: $7.20  Automatic Dishwasher Tablets ZERO
Available to purchase:  Ecover Online
Printable Coupons 
Recommendation:  You know if it is safer for the environment and my family I'm going to use it.  As far as price goes I don't think these are priced any different than the average similar products.  I think these are great products and I wish they sold them in stores closer to me or places I more frequently shopped at but then again you can always purchase online just as easily.
Facebook:  Ecover 
Twitter:  @EcoverUS
YouTube:  Ecover 
Blog:  Ecover 

Giveaway:  Ecover is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers a box of Automatic Dishwasher Tablets ZERO one of their own!

*Read my Disclosure 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the chef's edition spice stack. good way to store spices without taking up so much room... or having them all fall over when you reach for one

  2. The original spice stack would probably fit best in my kitchen

  3. original spice stacker
    pin as jacksondeb
    debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  4. spice stacker

  5. I would like to try the dishwasher tablets
    Ktherrell (at) yahoo (dot) com

  6. I'd like to try the Ecover Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Bay Breeze.

  7. Spice Stack would be perfect for my kitchen

  8. I like the Silver SpiceStack.
    Thanks for the chance!

    raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

  9. i like the spice stacker!

    thanks for the chance

  10. chefs edition spicestack

  11. Shared to FB

  12. The toilet bowl cleaner is something I would love to try!

  13. I liked the post on Google+ as Alexandra Clatterbuck =)

  14. Shared on FB

  15. I would love to try the dishwasher tablets.

  16. Where is this Spice Stacker? I see nothing like that on this page. That being said, Ecover is by far the best detergent I've used in a long time. I have multiple kids with GI issues and did not think a "natural" soap could handle their laundry, but this brand did! I'd love to try another of their products.

  17. Shared giveaway on FB

  18. Shared on Pinterest:


  20. Shared on FB

  21. I tweeted:

  22. I'd love to see more reviews on electronics


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