This is usually due to the types and quality food you feed your pets. But remember they are just like humans and some dogs can have sensitive stomachs or digestive issues. I just find it hard to believe that all three of mine started at the same time especially when they are all different ages. Its like they started a competition in my house to see who can be the most fowl.
I've considered for the longest time just cooking up my own dog food and treats to save money and provide them with something more natural to eat. Then Probiotic Smart asked me to do a review of IntelliFlora which "contains a blend of four different bacterial strains including Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus."
"IntelliFlora is a nutritional supplement designed for the dietary management of dogs and cats with diarrhea." I had never really put much thought into introducing probiotics to my pets even though we as humans take them to help aid in our digestion. Capone, my oldest pup has always had severe allergies and reactions to different foods which do not sit well with him. And in fact the same weekend the IntelliFlora came we had a major mishap with all the dogs getting sick and having terrible diarrhea.
I do no't even want to start telling you how bad it was in this house OR how many bathes we had to give them daily because of it. What I do want to tell you is that almost instantly we noticed a change once we added the IntelliFlora to their foods. The two younger dogs eat like we never feed them inhaling their food before the bowl is even set down so they didn't notice a difference with the powder added. Capone was as usual my picky one and it took him a few meals to get used to it but now it is a regular part of dinner for all three of them.
Cost/Available to purchase: $14.99 IntelliFlora
Recommendation: Although I hate to purchase anything in addition to their regular food I thought this was a great price and the website offers you additional discounts for buying in bulk as well. I would recommend this food to anyone with pets especially pets with "special" dietary needs. The fact that eveything is made in the US and products come with a 100% guarantee also makes the decision to give it a try even sweeter.
Facebook: Probiotic Smart
Twitter: @PSCPets
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I just have to say I can relate to this post....I have eight dogs, of which three are rescues....although the seven little dogs don't have this problem, the token big dog, our rescue pit bull can run you out of a room in less than two seconds when he decides to set off one of his stink bombs. Enjoyed this review, I just may by this for my big stinker! Thank you
ReplyDeleteWhat a GREAT Blog! (Found you on Twitter). Love the review, hope to read even more from you!
ReplyDeleteI really love IntelliFlora. It has been great for our cat and two dogs. I thought about making all my own dog food at one point too, but you just never know if you are getting enough of the nutrients they need into the food. IntelliFlora has been wonderful for all our pets!
I have to get my hands on this stuff! My poor puppy really truly needs it. I'm so glad that animals can now get treatment for more things than worms.