On March 19, 2013 Gaiam Vivendi Entertainment and A Squared Entertainment released a new animated series Secret Millionaires Club Volume One. Kids can learn valuable lessons about money management in a fun and relatable way.

The synopsis says "When friends Radley, Elena, Jones and Lisa find out that their school has lost funding for music, field trips and some of their other favorite activities they call on financial mogul Warren Buffett for help. With Warren as their mentor, the kids apply basic business knowledge to everyday adventures and ultimately learn that the best investment they can make is in themselves."

Recommendation: I thought the DVD was interesting to watch and actually kept my attention. The boys on the other side I think are too young at 5 and 2 for something like this just yet. They honestly wanted nothing to do with sitting still for this one so I don't know about spending $15 to buy this.
Street Date: March 19, 2013
Language: English
Running time: 132 minutes
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