Sure enough once she knew they were coming she was extremely excited and anxious. She impatiently asked me every few days if they were coming in the mail soon! Once the Upere Wedge Sneakers in Black Suede arrived she opened them immediately! She has worn these with several different outfits and complimented on how comfortable they are.
However, our only complaint was that they must have sprayed them prior to shipping with a protective seal or something similar because upon opening they reeked like chemicals. Because of this we had to stick them in the garage for a few days to air them out before wearing them indoors.
Cost/Available to purchase: $169.78 Upere Wedge Sneakers in Black Suede
Recommendation: Honestly, it completely depends on who you ask...I think they are ugly and would never in my life buy a pair of shoes for this much let alone even over $100. But my daughter, mother and sister are all fashionistas and for the right pair I don't think the cost would matter.
Facebook: Upere
Twitter: @Upereltd
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