Sponsor Highlight "RELAX AND REFRESH" Giveaway Event
So I never used to be a big tea drinker, that was until I started student teaching.
My mentor teacher had an electric tea pot
in her room and we started having tea every morning while making our lesson plans.
I became hooked on drinking tea from then
on. When I found Conscious Teas while surfing
the web, I loved their concept and had to contact them. I was excited to try their loose teas when they agreed to send me over some in exchange for a review.![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/886457_407334899362395_106306781_o.png)
Conscious Teas is an
organic, holistic company based out of Missouri. Kate Adelia is founder of Conscious Teas. She works hard to provide you with the best experience and the freshest tasting
tea in a loose leaf form. I like the
fact that they try to use most their ingredients from right here in the United
States, even though a few need to be imported to gain that unique flavors that these
teas offer.
When I received the tea I
was so excited to try it. I quickly brewed
a cup of awakening tea that tasted smelled of orange and lavender, a very fresh
and clean smell. Smelling it my eyes
opened wide and I immediately felt energized and ready to start the day. This tea was absolutely delicious too. Once the tea
cooled to drinking temperature I could detect a small hint of mint. I really enjoyed this tea and all the flavors
were so intense. I haven’t been disappointed yet with all the different teas they sent me for review.
Cost/Available to Purchase: $7.00 for 15 servings 2 Teaspoons each serving
Recommendation: I recommend Conscious Tea for anyone who
really loves tea. This company makes
many different varieties of tea that are so fresh and the organic aspect of
this company is very appealing to me as a consumer who is looking for healthier
alternatives to all the processed foods in our lives now a days.
Facebook: Conscious Teas
Twitter: @ConsciousTeas
Tumblr: Conscious Teas
Pinterest: Conscious Teas
Giveaway: Conscious Teas is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers a Sampler Pack of all 7 Teas Available of their own!
*Read my Disclosure
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