Don't all the Fathers out there deserve to enjoy the special moments of a new baby on board?! They may not get a shower in their honor but they sure deserve some sort of celebration and gift time. I can tell you even though they don't have to deal with carrying a child to term, the actual labor pains, or long childbirth, they do have to deal with quite a bit throughout the process. Just ask my husband - I'm serious!!!

DaddyScrubs sent me over their Bag O’ Books by DaddyScrubs to check out which was loaded with books in an awesome cloth bag to use for carry whatever Dad may need! There is a variety of gifts to choose from such as clothing, scrubs for the delivery room, diaper bags, novelty and more!! There are even a few things available for Moms!!

Recommendation: These are in line with the cost of most gifts of this nature and are really quite the cutest and most thoughtful gifts. I suggest checking them out if you are expecting or know someone who is!!
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My son is such a great daddy.