There are times where it is in excess and next thing you know, we are bunch of grown adults whining because we just can't hang like we used to. Regardless if you have a had a few drinks in the past, you know what I am talking about you probably have suffered from a hangover the next morning. Unfortunately hangovers affect everyone differently. They can cause you to be slow moving, nauseous or have major headaches.
Because most of us have children we are in need of a hangover cure that actually works and works fast. Lucky for us we were recently contacted by the company LyteShow in hopes of completing a review of their "electrolytes for people who drink". LyteShow is an electrolyte concentrate you mix with water and drinks.

"Each 4 ounce bottle contains 40 servings of LyteShow concentrate. Depending on usage, each bottle lasts approximately 2-6 weeks." Have no fear for all you health conscious people out there because this contains no artificial colors or flavors and is non-GMO, vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free.
We were quite thankful for this product over the last week as we have had a few long nights drinking away some stress since this seems to be a hectic time of year for myself and Amy. Adding 3 mL to a glass of water as directed, this had a very strong salty taste They do warn you about it, but in case its too much for you, you can dilute it by adding more water to your glass. This salty taste is because there are no sugars, sweeteners, calories or carbs added to it either!!
Its recommended that you take LyteShow while drinking alcohol and then again in the morning after. We definitely thought worked well because after sipping on a glass of water, you can feel the drag slowly disappear. Any headaches we would have normally had, never happened. We also decided that because this worked so well while drinking that we would use it during one of our softball games we recently had in the unbearable heat to keep ourselves as hydrated as possible. Seemed to do a great job keeping up our energy levels as well!
Available to purchase/Cost: $12.95 - 4 oz Bottle
Recommendation: In our book this was a successful product! We honestly didn't wake up feeling the normal effects a night of indulging would normally bring. I even think the price is a great one for such a long lasting bottle. If you are a drinker this is something you might want to have handy!
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