Royce Garner, the creator of Toe Juice, made a concoction back in 1970 to help his son who had super dry and cracked feet. When none of the creams and ointments were working he set off into his lab and created what is now known as Toe Juice. This miracle liquid is plant based which makes it all natural. This is a definite plus in my book! You can apply this to the affected area using a cotton swab or a cotton ball. It is fast drying and is non-greasy when it is on your skin.
Terrible picture I know but my camera was being finicky!
I am currently super stressed as I am embarking on the final days before my divorce is finalized as well as returning to work for the new school year. Let me tell you, my skin is taking it out in the form of acne. I was a bit nervous as my skin is normally so sensitive and if this is something that can be used on my feet as well, what was it going to do to my face?
I have to say, I love that I can use the Toe Juice on a cotton pad and use just like a toner. My skin is clearing up using this verse non harsh chemicals that usually cause my skin more problems. I really like using this product and can see myself using this product for a long time to come.
Available to Purchase/Cost: $15.99 for 4.6 fl. oz.
Recommendation: I highly recommend this product for how well it works and I really think the price is worth it. I would spend at least that amount on a good acne treatment alone, and another $15.00 on a cream or ointment for dry skin, so spending that much on a product that treats a multitude of things.
Facebook: ToeJuice
Twitter: @ToeJuice
Pinterest: ToeJuice
Giveaway: ToeJuice is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers a Toe Juice Signature Package of their own!
a Rafflecopter giveaway *Read my Disclosure
the toe juice why because i headr that it is great