@MOON_Blogs #HolidayGiftGuide Sponsor

Being such an OCD freak, I feel like everything needs to have a place and needs to be organized in a specific way. With my newest product from YouCopia, the TeaStand, I can organize at least 100 tea bags if not more in a very small space. Right now I have mine on the counter top next to my Keurig but if I decide I want it hidden I can easily fit it in the cabinet.
This actually reminds me of something you would find at a restaurant or a store. Everything looks so presentable and organized. I love that I can keep my flavors on one side and Kevins iced tea can be kept on the other!
Available to purchase/Cost: $29.99 TeaStand
Recommendation: If you want an easier way to organizes your spices, K-cups and now tea bags, YouCopia has what you need. Their prices are very reasonable on Amazon and pretty comparable to other similar products. I'd like to see even more of a variety in the future.
Facebook: YouCopia
Twitter: @YouCopiaInc
YouTube: YouCopia
Blog: YouCopia
Giveaway: YouCopia is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers a TeaStand of their own! Come back 11/6/2013 to enter for a chance to win!!!
*Read my Disclosure
This sounds like just what I need! I love a lot of choices when it comes to tea, but I hate having tons of different boxes filling up my cabinet! The tea stand would be perfect!