Now don't get me wrong I do love to clean as weird as that sounds, just not constantly. Having children almost means you either are constantly chasing after kids to pick up or you kind of give up hope on ever having a clean home again! The same goes for having pets. I feel like my dogs shed more than any other dog on the planet. Because of this I feel like I am constantly having to vacuum or sweep the floors. It's just plain obnoxious!
With moving into the new house, we have been looking into a few different options for keeping things looking new and constantly clean. Thankfully, we will have hardwood flooring throughout the home so no more carpets to clean. However, I know we are going to be constantly cleaning the floors still especially with where we are moving. I am sure the dirt is going to be more noticeable being tracked through the house.
I couldn't have been more excited to discover the brand BObsweep! "Bobsweep, the intelligent floor cleaner, has been designed for you to get the toughest household tasks done with the least effort possible." This is truly a brand which keeps both style and efficiency in mind when creating their amazing products!
I was luckily sent over the bObsweep Pethair Robotic Vacuum Cleaner and Mop to review for the awesome brand. This small Hybrid Robot Vacuum's size is not a good indicator of the power that comes out of this little vac! Upon arrival, I doubted it's ability to keep up with the normal traffic and dog hair in my house, and I was very wrong!
Using it's extra large brush bObsweep Pethair works on all kinds of flooring from rugs and carpeting to hardwood floors and tile. Although this little vacuum may provoke the cat and even our dogs, it will change his direction before hitting any of them. Not only does this intelligent vacuum talk to you as it is working, it's LCD display will tell you everything from how long it's been at work to what it's been working on and of course it's battery levels.
We found that even though the recommended charge time is 12 hours for the first use, your robot vacuum will run just fine with less time, especially if you are in need of a quick run through. The bObsweep can hold a whopping capacity of 1 liter of dust, dirt, and hair, which is more than you would assume and can be easily emptied without making a mess.
We were beyond impressed with the intelligence of this little gadget as we all watched it perform in awe of it's abilities. Not only is this vacuum smart enough to locate it's own charger when it needs to rest, you can program it to run each day at specific times. The vacuum will take care of everything for you - sweeping, vacuming, and mopping.
Recommendation: I thought this was a phenomenal tool for the home and found it to be very effective. For once it is something that actually worked the way it said it would. As far as price goes it IS extremely expensive but I honestly seeing this last for quite some time even with my dogs. It is not only quality made but replaces several tools in your cleaning routine AND does the work itself!
Facebook: Bob sweep
Twitter: @myBobsweep
So cool! I was just talking with my sister-in-law about these kinds of products and we were both wondering if they really worked. Thanks for the info!! ;)