
#BigBlogX Big Blog Exchange Opportunity! Call to Action!

I need YOUR help!  I have been given the unique opportunity to represent the U.S. for something called the Big Blog Exchange.  It is a program kind of like a student exchange program except with Bloggers and their Blogs.  If chosen (by votes) I will be exchanging my blog and location for 10 days with another blogger somewhere across the globe.  Not only will this be a great experience for myself, it will give me the opportunity to see life through another bloggers world.  It will also bring a unique perspective to YOU, my readers, by having another blogger writing on A Ladybug on the Go for those 10 days here in my place.

Even though a little late joining as voting started in July, I've decided to give it a shot! I am even already in the top ten for my region which is huge considering I started at #75!!  I would BEYOND appreciate Votes and Shares with everyone you know!!  I would love to represent our country in the exchange!!!  You need to click Vote and then verify the email by clicking so they can keep track of the votes otherwise it will not count.

Thank YOU to everyone who considers voting for me or for sharing my link with everyone you know!! You can vote and keep track of my status by clicking the following link OR clicking the graphic above
*Read my Disclosure

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