I could not believe when Dane came home from Kindergarten the other day singing a son about the human organs and all their functions. He even had skeletal picture/diagram which he could point out each organ AND their function. This is crazy to me! I feel as if I was definitely not learning these types of things at this age and honestly barely remember them now as an adult!
Fortunately, children are much smarter than we were in previous generations! They have so much more technology than we did and it has helped them learn so much faster! Because both boys love music, singing, and of course dance parties, I am always looking for a new musically fun way to bring education into the home! So when Rock n Learn finally asked me to review one of their DVD's I was more than on board.
This has been one of those companies I knew from the beginning I had to work with them because of how the boys specifically learn and coming from such a musically talented father. It was bound to happen! Rock n Learn sent me over the Human Body DVD which Dane actually requested. We were very excited to watch this moment it arrived!
The synopsis says "This entertaining approach to the human body engages young, inquisitive learners, while the depth of material gets older students ready for tests. Join Kevin and his friends Marko and Bailey for an enlightening adventure to explore the skeletal, nervous, muscular, circulatory, urinary, respiratory, and digestive systems along with the five senses. Clear explanations, beautiful science models, and amusing animations make this DVD perfect for the classroom and home. Meets the National Science Education Standards."
Both boys not only loved this but Alana (my teenager) actually enjoyed interacting with the boys right along with the show. They each took turns picking things out, answering questions, and singing along. Declan was actually the only one who acted a bit weird about this because he kept saying the skeleton scared him, lol, which is not normal for anyone in our family!
Available to Purchase/Cost: $19.99 Human Body
Discount Code: Enter code 'KR8822' for 25% off your purchase!
Recommendation: Now this may seem like an expensive price for such a short DVD but I will say I think you are paying more for an educational experience than just a DVD. The kiddos loved it and I have to say I hope I get lucky enough to review more of them for you!
Facebook: Rock n Learn
Twitter: @rockandlearn
Grades 3 - 8.
Approx. 44 minutes
Giveaway: Rock n Learn is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers a DVD of their choice of their own!This is part of the "School Spirit" M.O.O.N. Giveaway Event held from 8/13-8/27!
*Read my Disclosure
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