Going from a very active career to a sedentary one has been terrible for my health! Not only do I want to get back on track with my health but I want to lead as an example for my children. I want them to know how important fitness is in living a long, satisfying life! I am always trying to look for new ways to get more active, eat healthier, and just plain have fun doing so with my kids!
So when LeapFrog asked me to throw a party and review their new LeapBand in celebration of Fit Made Fun Day! I was sent over two LeapBands and a variety of CLIF Kid ZBAR Protein Bars to share with all of our friends! This Activity Tracker encourages kids to have fun being active by playing with a virtual pet.
Designed for children ages 4-7, kids are able to pick from 8 different types of pets to play with. Pre-loaded with 14 challenges, parents can set up 36 additional challenges for their child. More than just activities like running with your dog and jumping like a frog, children learn the importance of things like healthy eating habits.
Your children can earn rewards and unlock fun surprises by feeding their pets, grooming them regularly, and of course active play. As for the setup, it was a very easy ready to go almost instantly. The boys were very interested in the bands as well as all their friends. They loved teaming up with each other to keep active and had a blast checking out each of the activities.
The pets on the LeapBand are super adorable and my children seem to be more easily motivated by games and competitions. Besides the enjoyment I get out of watching my kids keeping active being goofballs with their pets, my favorite part is the LeapBand is both waterproof and rechargeable. So I don't have to worry about them ruining it if it "accidentally" gets wet or spend a ton of money replacing batteries as they run out constantly.
And don't forget without Clif Kid, this party couldn't have happened! Keeping kids filled with the right kind of energy, Clif Kid Zbars are an organic, whole grain snack bar. Your children will love these without having a clue how healthy they are. These bars have "no high fructose corn syrup, synthetic preservatives or artificial flavors".
We were sent a variety of the Clif Kid Zbars in chocolate mint, chocolate chip, and peanut butter chocolate. They actually almost didn't make it to the party either as both boys fell in love. They were especially pleased with the chocolate chip and peanut butter chocolate! Once each of their friends arrived for the party though, Dane was especially excited to share such an awesome energy filled snack with his friends!

All in all a good time was had by each of the kids, even the littlest ones. I think their favorite thought was the Fit Made Fun board game and the vegetable snacks we had available for every one! We even encourage the kids to play actively with our live pets, teaching them to incorporate the tools they learned with their Fit Pet into real life with their big dogs at home! The fun continued throughout the day too as we ventured outside to the pool, bounce house and yard for more active play!
Available to Purchase: $39.99 LeapBand
Recommendation: I may be biased since I love LeapFrog products (as we have a ton) however you really can't deny the product selection they have and how educational each one is. This is a fantastic price for something so useful. Plus it helps you get involved in your child's health even easier!
Facebook: LeapFrog
Twitter: @LeapFrog
Pinterest: LeapFrog
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