I've been trying to get everything in my kitchen updated as well as matching since the move. So when Pro Chef Kitchen Tools asked if I would be interested in reviewing their Multi-function 23" Polished Stainless Steel Kitchen Tool Utensil Rack with 10 S Hooks, I knew it would be perfect for my measuring cups that had been sitting on my counter top since we moved in.
Made of a brushed stainless steel and using 10 (2" long) S-Hooks, you can organize just about anything you can think of with this bar. While I decided to mount this to my cabinet in my kitchen, it can be used it other areas like the bathroom or laundry room and more. I love how sturdy it is and how beautiful my stainless measuring cups look displayed on it in my kitchen.
Cost/Available to Purchase: $54.95 Pro Chef Multi-function 23" Polished Stainless Steel Kitchen Tool Utensil Rack with 10 S Hooks
Recommendation: Not only is this a great quality, it has truly helped both organize and style my kitchen. I love the look and honestly can't wait to see what else Pro Chef has in store for customers like me!
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