The LeapFrog Letter Factory Adventures: Amazing Word Explorers synopsis says "Explore the joys of building words and creating stories as Leap, Tad, Lily and friends go on a camping adventure to see a meteor shower! Follow along as they learn to rhyme in song, and then build words and develop amazing stories in a super-fun game with picture and letter cards. Join the LeapFrog friends as they discover stories can come from anywhere—all you need is imagination!"
This collection includes three all-new original learning songs plus curriculum commentary for parents. Both boys not only loved this but Alana (my teenager) actually enjoyed interacting with the boys right along with the episodes. I think the show gives children the chance to see their favorite learning toys come to life and give more fun to each character!
The Lalaloopsy: Festival of Sugary Sweets synopsis says, "The Lalaloopsy friends create the perfect recipe for fun and adventure in this delightful movie treat! When a sugar shortage threatens the annual Festival of Sugary Sweets, the friends devise a delicious way to save the day — and discover that when you work together as a team, you can make something really special!"
Even though it is more geared towards girls, the boys have both fallen in love with each of the characters from Lalaloopsy. They enjoy the realistic life lessons about playing as a team and learning about how to handle the same struggles they too are going through with childhood.
Cost: $14.98 each
Recommendation: The kiddos loved both DVD's and I thought the graphics in both were fantastic! I love how much they can learn from each of these from the educational lessons in LeapFrog and the extracurricular lessons in Lalaloopsy! I would definitely recommend either of these DVD's for your kiddos.
Facebook: Lionsgate
Twitter: @LGHomeEnt
Giveaway: Lionsgate is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers Lalaloopsy: Festival of Sugary Sweets on DVD of their own! Click on DVD Title to enter.
Giveaway: Lionsgate is going to give one of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers LeapFrog Letter Factory Adventures: Amazing Word Explorers on DVD of their own! Click on DVD Title to enter.
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