I have always always always been one of those proactive people against 'bullying' or the nasty kids in school who think they are better than everyone. I have made it appoint to be nice to as many people (popular or unpopular) throughout my educational career as well. In saying all of this I have already begun these same lessons with my children and especially the two boys. We have friends of all sizes, races, religions, and relationships and have tried very hard to show the kids this kind of open thinking through our examples.
So when I was asked to review the book "Fly Guys: Monday Madness", I figured it would be perfect for Dane to read as he is finally getting to the age where kids can start to be more judgemental! Written with the thought, "No child is born with prejudice and I’d love to keep it that way", I felt this would be a good prompt to discuss the subject with my kids.
The synopsis says, "A new young children's book, ‘Fly Guys: Monday Madness’ tells the fun story of two unlikely best friends, a fly called Fuzz and 5-year-old Alice. Their mop-based adventure to the moon is brought crashing back to earth when Alice’s dad attempts to swat Fuzz. When Fuzz asks Alice why her dad hates flies, the story takes a thoughtful turn and raises questions about difference, diversity and friendship."
This book is about a little girl, Alice, whose best friend is a bug named Fuzz and the games they play together. In the midst of one of their games, Alice's father assumed the worst of Fuzz being a bug and tries to kill him. Alice then explains that they are friends in hopes of not making rash judgements. Dane was very excited for this book, he thought it looked "cool". My three children love reading to each other especially to our youngest, Declan. This was a book that they all enjoyed while learning not to judge so quickly. Unfortunately for me they now want a bug friend, LOL.
Available to Purchase/Cost: $9.99 Fly Guys: Monday Madness (Volume 1)
Recommendation: I am pretty positive my kids enjoyed this book quite a bit. I know initially they were expecting another book with a similar title but it turns out this is just as good. I think it was a perfect book for the kids just starting school.
Series: Fly Guys
Paperback: 26 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (December 10, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1505371368
ISBN-13: 978-1505371369
Facebook: Fuzz and Alice
Twitter: @FuzzAndAlice
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