I was recently asked by Frux Home and Yard to review their Flameless Tea Light Set 24 Flickering LED Battery Tealight Candles w/ Votive Wraps© and their Extra Long Fairy Star Lights. I figured it would be perfect for Alana's room. Right away I noticed how long the fairy lights string actually was as I had actually expected something tinier for a small projects. With a total length of over 47 feet (with the 8 foot cord included)!
There is even a 'AA' battery adapter in addition to the wall adapter so these can be used indoor or outdoors as well as without outlet restrictions. I especially loved how well these bent around objects. This way I can add them to an outdoor table for some romantic dining in the fall or keep them indoors safely in Alana's room!
While my flameless tea lights were missing all of the Decorative paper wraps in the shipment, I am hoping it was a fluke. Each box should contain 3 styles and 3 colors of wraps (ivory, blush and black) for a total of 24. Using these, I don't have to worry or stress about the kids touching (or knocking over) an open flame. There is no wax mess and they can be used virtually anywhere for the most creative decor!
"Frux Home and Yard™ focuses on providing high quality, unique, functional and decorative items for your home and yard." While their product selection right now is slim and limited to lighting, I hope to see a ton more in the future from this company.
Cost/Available to purchase:$19.97 FLAMELESS TEA LIGHT SET 24 Flickering LED Battery Tealight Candles With FREE Votive Wraps© BONUS Included From Frux Home and Yard
$33.97 Fairy Star Lights Extra Long 39ft Warm White LED Copper Wire Indoor Outdoor + FREE Battery Power Adapter BONUS Included with a DC 6V Wall Adapter
Recommendation: I love these both but especially the fairy lights. I do feel like they are a bit costly but they are more eco-friendly than similar products AND should last much longer!
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I love flameless tea lights!!!! Their uses are endless. :)