That being said, there are two major subjects Dane and Declan have always been very into - Dinosaurs and Outer Space. With having a first grader and a preschooler, I realize we need to constantly spending time working educational lessons throughout the year whether they are in school or not. Doing so requires using subjects which the kids enjoy where they won't even realize they are learning.
I was recently asked to review one of the monthly subscription boxes from the brand Space Scouts and I was thrilled! I truly believe the best teachers are parents and the adults directly in contact with each child. Having several friends who are teachers, has helped me to understand all the things our teachers do for our kids. HOWEVER, it all starts at home and if we aren't helping to educate our children, how can we expect teachers to successfully help our kiddos grow.
Space Scouts, led by characters ROXY and JETT, is an experience for your child to learn about the solar system. Each month there is a new focus. Using the metal Space Scouts lunchbox, kids can collect different tokens as they travel through space. The starter kit begins with a Space Scouts Lunchbox, Solar System Poster, Activity Sheet, Sticker Scramble, Souvenir Toy, Constellation Card Startup Kit (cover and ring, and Constellation Cards.
Each month then includes a Space Scouts Exploration Plan, Magnet, Sticker, Activity Sheet, Sticker Scramble, Souvenir Toy, Constellation Card, and Constellation Activity Sheet. Our review boxes arrived packed with Space themed projects! Dane was thrilled about this one and could not wait to open it! Both boys have loved the exploration AND the education throughout their Space Scout weeks. They seem pumped still each time this arrives which thrills me to no end. This is perfect for keeping brains active over the summer while still having fun! I could not believe the uniqueness of this subscription box compared to others I've reviewed in the past.
Available to purchase/Cost: $11.95+$3 Shipping Space Scouts
Recommendation: If you have kids in the age range of 6-9, GET in on this! I think this was both a fun and educational box that is on a great path to keep kids having fun while learning. I think this is very obtainable pricing and gives the kiddos something to look forward to each month!
Facebook: Space Scouts
Twitter: @SpaceScoutsClub
Pinterest: Space Scouts
this sounds pretty neat. I spend a lot of time with my niece & nephews, & I can see the youngest one really loving this!