
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: Daniel Goes to the Doctor DVD Review and #Giveaway

        I was happy when I was asked to review quite the newest DVD from PBS Kids being released May 10th, 2016.  Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: Daniel Goes to the Doctor will be released on DVD with tons of educational fun for your kiddos!  With 8 stories/episodes and even a bonus one, the whole DVD surrounds different scenarios where going to the doctor is needed.

        The Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: Daniel Goes to the Doctor synopsis says, “Preschoolers can climb aboard Trolley and join Daniel Tiger as he goes for a checkup, gets a shot, and helps Mom Tiger when she’s not feeling well. When Daniel visits the doctor for his checkup, he is “one stripe scared” about going. To help Daniel feel better, Mom Tiger talks with him about the visit and sings “when we do something new, let’s talk about what we’ll do.” Other helpful strategies that Daniel and his friends and family use in select stories featured on the DVD include: “when you get hurt, find a grown-up to help you feel better” and “when you’re sick, rest is best.”"

        Being that I watched Mr. Roger's as a child, I love that there is an updated version for my little ones to enjoy.  Daniel Tiger is a normal little guy still learning which Declan loves to watch as he grows!  This episode was great for both my children since they are both pretty intimidated and afraid of going to the doctor.

        While they both love our pediatrician, we've had a few side issues with other doctors that have really put them off.  I loved how at ease this put them about admitting when your sick, taking medicine, and going to visit the doctor.  They felt better about the dreaded shots as well as how to avoid getting sick which is just as important when taking care of yourself and others!

Facebook:  PBS KIDS
Twitter:  @pbskids

Giveaway:  PBS KIDS is going to give THREE of A Lucky Ladybug's lucky readers Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: Daniel Goes to the Doctor on DVD of their own!
*Read my Disclosure


  1. My sons have always been pretty good going to the doctor. My now 14 year old has had issues with vaccines and blood draws. He has said some pretty funny things over the years and is still nervous for those things. I always just let him know ahead of time if I knew that was going to happen so he had some time process and prepare for it.

  2. My son doesn't like to go to the doctor so we usually treat him to something special to help him tolerate it.

  3. bribery works sometimes,,but usually they are so sick they don't mind going to the doctor,

  4. My grandson has done pretty good when going to the doctor with Mom and Dad. They told me that he was not afraid of going to the dentist for his very first check-up either. Grandma is so proud of him-

  5. My kids are always afraid of getting shots at the Dr. I tell them that they need the shots to be healthy. Thanks for the giveaway. This looks like a great movie for kids. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  6. Both of my young grandsons have no problem going to their Doctor. They have a great relationship with him.

  7. I take my kids to the dentist and doctor with me so they can see it is not scary.

  8. My daughter is still young enough where I don't have to convince her to go.

  9. my little niece is very good about going to the doctor never really a problem. thankyou, ken

  10. We basically bribe them with a trip to toys r us

  11. My kids are usually good at going to the doctor, I get them a treat on the way home.

  12. My hurdles are mostly scheduling conflicts.

  13. My oldest is scared to death of the doctor because of the chance of getting shots. We reward with stickers when we get home for bravery.

  14. the kids haven't ever had trouble going to the doctor. they seem to like it. i guess it's just a part of life.

  15. For check-ups where we have to get a vaccine or shot, I take my 5 year old son to the toystore beforehand to take to the doctor's office. It remains unopened, but he loves to show it to the nurses and doctor. After the shot, he gets to open it. Generally works pretty well! Few tears!

  16. I taught my kids from the beginning to not be afraid of the Dr and it helps to reward them with a treat.

  17. We had a wonderful doctor and there was never a problem with going to the doctor.

  18. The biggest pain for me is having to wait over an hour past our appointment


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